Homeowners in Lake Country are looking at a property tax increase of somewhere between 9.95 and 19.02 per cent.
A one per cent increase in approximately a $20 annual hike for the average single-family home.
BC Assessment has determined that the average single-family home in Lake Country in 2023 is valued at $1.087 million.
A statement on the district’s website notes immense external pressures, largely triggered by population growth, are responsible for the potentially large increase.
RCMP service costs increased were triggered when Lake Country’s population surpassed 15,000. Rising inflation rates have pushed up the cost of services, contracts, and wages. Also, maintaining and upgrading aging infrastructure and sustaining service levels will come with a higher price tag in 2023.
Residents are being encouraged to let council know their thoughts on the 2023 draft budget. Details can be found at Let’s Talk Lake Country.
District staff will ensure feedback is forwarded to council prior to adoption of the budget.
Council begins budget deliberations Jan. 26.
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