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Letter: Ok Centre resident wants town hall meeting

When did it become a waste of “time and money” for a democratic government to provide its citizenry a legitimate opportunity for input…?

Open letter to Okanagan Centre ward councillor Lisa Cameron:

Your (Feb. 27) letter to the editor stated that the Feb. 5 presentation by a “resident” was of little significance, as it was only supported by eight of nine residents who had written directly to council. You failed to report he came back to the Feb. 19 meeting with 125 petition signatures.

If council feels the 2007 OK Centre Sector Plan does not reflect the current position of the residents, would not the legitimate process be to go back to the community for further input at a town hall meeting.

When did it become a waste of “time and money” for a democratic government to provide its citizenry a legitimate opportunity for input into policies that affect their day by day lives?

Your motion that the clean-up be an “operational program” was a very slick way to block legitimate community discussion; akin to the debate closure tactics, of our Prime Minister.


David H Geen,

Okanagan Centre