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Letter: Consider which party best represents the Canada you want

Is what this candidate and this party proposing going to promote further harm to Canada and Canadians, or will it promote care?

To the editor:

Canada or something else?

This planet does not belong to us, it belongs to future generations. Our decisions, actions and behaviours today will determine what kind of world we send to those future generations.

On October 19, Canadians will shape that future during what will arguably be the most important election this country has ever seen. I don’t recognize the current Canada, and as it stands this is not the Canada I want to send to my grandson who will be born in October.

It is not acceptable to me that rules and legislation have been changed to accommodate special interest groups.

It is not acceptable to me that we are not only dragging our heels, but actively blocking global efforts to tackle climate change.

It is not acceptable to me that we have shifted from a peacekeeping nation to a warmonger.

It is not acceptable to me that an atmosphere of fear is being created and fostered through trickery and deceit.

It is not acceptable to me that First Nations are treated like second class citizens in their own country.

It is not acceptable to me that my hard earned tax dollars are so poorly spent.

It is not acceptable to me that attack campaigns and bullying have become common practice during elections and I have to ask what kind of message that sends to our current generation, never mind future generations.

In the past the 'silent majority' have helped to shape and support Canada as it stands today by exercising their silence. At one time I was a card carrying member of the 'silent majority,' I didn’t like any of the choices that government offered and so I rebelled. I have learned from my mistake, and realize that I bear full responsibility for the way Canada is today, a Canada I don’t recognize any more.

It’s time for Canadians to decide what Canada will look like post election. We Canadians are charged with electing a government to represent Canadian values, morals and desires. We have already seen wide spread differences in how the different parties are presenting themselves and if a person looks it is relatively easy to see what sort of future our choice in this election will make.

One thing is for sure, by not voting you will support whatever way the wind will blow, and that is what has created the mess we find ourselves in today.

I encourage you to get involved in this election and vote for the party that best represents your values, morals and desires. We have forgotten who shapes what Canada is and becomes, it’s time to stand up and create the Canada we want.

It’s important that we sort through the barrage of election hype that is coming in the next interminable few months, an election campaign that has already gone on way too long. Maybe we can start by asking ourselves one question: Is what this candidate and this party proposing going to promote further harm to Canada and Canadians, or will it promote care?

Bob Purdy, Kelowna


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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