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Letter: Canadian citizen legislation will certainly see court action

The very fact that the government drove citizenship legislation through Parliament…indicates its vindictiveness and mean-spiritedness.

To the editor:

Alistair Waters must be congratulated on his column, without spin and hyperbole. (Don't Take This Canadian's Citizenship Away, July 15 Kelowna Capital News)

Here is someone who may be impacted directly and negatively from this misbegotten piece of legislation.

Just imagine a Canadian citizen having his/her citizenship lifted for acts allegedly committed against the interest of 'the State,' where any government may declare any group to be an 'enemy' of Canada.No wonder that the government, once again, hastily pushed the bill—with help of its "trained seals" (to quote MP Tony Rathgeber, Edmonton-St. Albert)—through the House and the Senate.

This legislation will certainly become a subject of court action, but the very fact that the government drove it through Parliament, without regard to valid concerns and objectives raised, indicates its vindictiveness and mean-spiritedness.

Our regional MPs dutifully voted in favour, and—in answer to concerns—feel that regurgitating the talking points from the Prime Minister's Office is all that citizens are entitled to.

A sad state of affairs.

Harri Henschler,West Kelowna


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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