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Elke’s Garden Tips: Good time to prepare

Lake Country garden columnist talks about what to do at this time of the year

By Elke Lange

March is such an odd month with it still being a bit too early to get into the garden.

It is however a great time to be doing some serious garden planning for the busy gardening months ahead. Right about now I love to start making a list of what I’m going to tackle first.

Hedge and tree trimming are generally number one on the list. If the March winds aren’t too bone chilling and you feel adventurous you could get these two chores out of the way now.

As you prune away remember not to step on the dormant plants still tucked away in the garden. If you are planning a new landscape this a good time of year to be sketching out your ideas on paper in preparation of starting the project on your own or meeting up with a landscaper.

For all garden enthusiasts it is the perfect time to be thinking about purchasing those garden tools you have been wanting to get. It’s also a great time to be checking out websites for what’s new in the plant world.

New and interesting, Okanagan-hardy plants come on the market every year and some of those just might make a perfect addition to your garden.

Even if the weather is still too cold to get outside, March is the month that we all start getting excited to get back into our gardens.

Elke Lange is a long-time gardener and a gardening coach. Visit her on her website

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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