The Oyama Community Club would like you to join them in celebrating 100 Years at their annual Oyama Fun Day on Sunday June 1.
The fun-packed family celebration gets underway at 8 a.m. with a pancake breakfast, silent auction and raffle. The parade starts at 11 a.m. at the Oyama General Store, finishing at Oyama Traditional School. The afternoon kicks off with children’s field games and activities, historical displays, bounce zone, firemen’s burger burn, bake shoppe tea, farmers market, the big stage, Oyama Legion open house and more food and fun for all.
For more information or to participate in any way, please contact Deb Butler 250-548-3255 or
Oyama Garden
The Community Garden has been built and many plots are planted. There are still a couple of plots looking for a loving gardener to take care of them. If you would like to join the varied group who are enjoying this new community space, contact Marj at 250-548-3837 or email
Agri-Tourism Plan
Are you a Lake Country agriculturalist who is beginning or planning to expand into agri-tourism? The Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission is looking for participants in their agri-tourism planning project.
They will assist up to eight new or early-stage agri-tourism operators. Participants will get help developing a detailed business plan for the 2015/16 tourism season.
This subsidized program makes significant professional and technical expertise available. Participants will undergo a customized business planning process which combines educational speakers, workshops and farm tours to address such areas as market research and planning, financial management, hiring and managing employees, and customer service. Participants will also receive one-on-one coaching and guidance.
For more information contact Tracey Fredrickson at 250-470-7838 or email
Gravel Pit
I was recently asked if there was a reapplication for a gravel pit on Old Mission Road. I have checked with planning and can confirm that, at this time, there are no such application on Old Mission Road or anywhere in Lake Country.