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Summerland’s snow levels significantly higher than normal

Measurement at Summerland Reservor 189 per cent of historical average
(Stock photo)

Snow levels at Summerland’s two measurement sites are well above the historical averages.

The latest snow measurements, from Jan. 1, showed snow depth levels well above normal levels at Summerland Reservoir and Isintok Lake. The two sites are to the west of the community

READ ALSO: Summerland’s snow measurements on par with previous years

READ ALSO: Snow levels above yearly average at Summerland sites

At Summerland Reservoir, the snow depth was 870 millimetres or the equivalent of 212 millimetres of water. This is 189 per cent of the historical water equivalent of 112 millimetres, measured over 60 years.

At Isintok Lake, the snow depth was 470 millimetres or the equivalent of 122 millimetres of water. This is 151 per cent of the historical average of 81 millimetres, measured over 58 years.

Snow levels at the two sites are measured at the beginning of the month from January to May, and then twice a month in May and June if needed.

In January 2022, the snow level at Isintok was at its historical average, and at Summerland Reservoir, it was slightly higher than normal. Then, from February until May, the snow depth at both sites was below normal levels.

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John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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