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Slow down, move over says Kelowna RCMP and BCAA

Drivers given warning letters for not slowing down for yellow flashing lights
BCAA’s Dave Welroy joins Kelowna RCMP officers for Slow Down, Move Over Campaign along Highway 97. (Photo/Gary Barnes)

Most drivers will slow down and pull over when they see red or blue emergency lights, but many don’t when they see yellow flashing lights.

That was the reason for a Slow Down, Move Over Awareness Campaign conducted by the Kelowna RCMP and British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA) on Highway 97 near Ellison Lake on April 29.

“It’s really about educating the B.C. driving public about the slow-down, move over law,” said Dave Welroy, manager of tow partner relations with BCAA. “It’s any vehicle working on the side of the highway, if they have red, blue, yellow lights and they’re pulled over, we are expected by law to slow down and move over.”

Welroy noted that while red and blue lights get people’s attention and respect, not all drivers are paying attention to yellow flashing lights. Something else many drivers may not be aware of is the 70/40 rule.

“Anything 8o km/h and higher you have to slow down to 70 km/h,” explained Welroy. “Anything that’s below 80 km/h you slow down to 40 km/h. Travelling on a multi-lane road drivers must move into another lane and slow down if safe to do so.”

Safety is also a major concern, according to Welroy.

“It is for all roadside workers. The goal is to get everyone home safe to their families. That’s why we’re out here educating everyone.”

Dozens of drivers were pulled over during the campaign but were not handed tickets or fines: instead, they received a warning letter explaining the law.

The letter states “if this were a real ticket, you would be charged a $173 fine and three demerit points.”

Read More: ICBC cash contribution to improve road safety and reduce collisions in Kelowna


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Gary Barnes

About the Author: Gary Barnes

Journalist and broadcaster for three decades.
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