To the editor:
Re: Your article Diabetes sufferer’s journey to freedom explored Nov. 22/17
I hate to be the bearer of old news, but here goes: Tons of research and hundreds of similar studies have been conducted which prove that diabetes is both preventable and reversible through diet. In 1925, H.P. Himsworth’s research clearly indicated that consumption ratios of low fat (animal sources) and high carbs (complex carbs from plant sources) resulted in the lowest death rates from diabetes.
Dr. James Anderson’s 1986 report detailed complete diabetic reversal by switching patients to a low-fat, high-carb diet. Since 2003, Dr. Neal Barnard and his team continue to have tremendous success with diabetic patients who have either significantly reduced or eliminated their dependence on medications.
Now, this new UBC study is funded by Pharmasave; a drugstore whose primary purpose is to sell drugs. Drug companies design the research and select only data that favours their product while discarding any negative findings.
They hire communication firms to write favourable scientific articles, then pay researchers to provide their names as authors of the pre-written articles. To learn more or get help with diabetes, go to or read The China Study by Drs. T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell.
Linda Jackson, Kelowna