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‘Hangry’ bears hanging out in the Central Okanagan

Bears can be aggressive, especially when defending their food or their cubs
As we move into fall, visitors to RDCO regional and community parks may expect more signs that bears are out and active. (Black Press file photo)

Visitors to Regional District Central Okanagan parks are urged to keep an eye out for bear activity.

“With fruit ripening and salmon spawning in local creeks, this is the time of year that our field staff and visitors start seeing more evidence that bears are around,” said Bruce Smith, communications officer. “As reports of their presence rise, we post signs in affected parks identifying that bears may be active in the area.”

Bears can be aggressive, especially when defending their food or their cubs. They also have excellent senses of smell and hearing. Visitors should travel in a group if they can and make some noise when on trails to let bears know you are in the area, added Smith.

Park visitors are reminded that if they see a bear, give it plenty of space, and keep children and pets out of spawning streams to protect sensitive habitats. Unless otherwise designated, dog owners are reminded their pets must be always leashed and kept on trails to avoid any potential wildlife encounters.

The RDCO Waste Reduction Office and WildSafeBC Central Okanagan remind that garbage must also be securely stored, and carts placed out on the morning of regular curbside collection.

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Gary Barnes

About the Author: Gary Barnes

Journalist and broadcaster for three decades.
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