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Central Okanagan Regional District looking at curbside take-away for food waste

Study recommends co-mingled food and yard waste collection in a single container
In 2022, a food waste feasibility study was done by the RDCO to explore options for expanding residential organics management programs. (Black Press file photo)

Food waste curbside pick-up is being considered by the Regional District Central Okanagan.

A report going to the regional board Feb. 2 states that a study done over 2020 and 2021 found that compostable materials make up nearly 50 per cent of landfill-bound waste from households.

In 2022, a food waste feasibility study was done to explore options for expanding residential organics management programs.

The study recommends co-mingled food and yard waste collection in a single curbside container.

Another consideration is wildlife interactions and the potential to transition existing yard waste containers into animal-resistant carts.

The staff report also estimates that $6 million would be needed for the addition of a transfer station to commingled food and yard waste, along with the necessary infrastructure.

READ MORE: Regional District Central Okanagan residents to pay 6.8% more on average in property tax


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Gary Barnes

About the Author: Gary Barnes

Journalist and broadcaster for three decades.
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