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Life and style with Jeanette McPetrie

Furniture store owner’s shop is her happy place

“Relaxed and comfy but with a few pearls for good measure,” is how Jeanette, owner of Belongings furniture store in Duncan, describes her personal style.

After years of decorating by way of thrift-shop finds and re-purposing furniture, Jeanette found her way to owning Belongings when her kids were nearing graduation and she felt it was time to do something for herself.

“Belongings literally fell into my lap after a friend of mine started the business and I took it over shortly after. I will be forever grateful as Belongings is still my happy place even after over 20 years. I love everything about it!”

However, when asked which part she loves the most, Jeanette says it’s the customers, “hands down!”

She adds: “I love all the stories and memories my pieces bring out in those visiting my shop.”

Jeanette’s strength lies in the belief that no matter what is happening, she can always try to remain positive. Asked what is the best life lesson she has learned, she says, “To appreciate all you have, today, right now, and to make every day fun.”

 Fashion & Beauty

All-time favourite piece: Blue jeans.

Currently coveting: Pearls.

Favourite pair of shoes: My red patent Flys

Favourite work tool: Palm sander.

Favourite jewellery piece: A pair of pearl earrings I bought when I was in Spain.

Accessory you spend the most money on: Shoes and jewellery.

Beauty secret: Laugh lots.

Style Inspirations & Life

Favourite artist: I love our local artists.

Favourite musician: Michael Bublé.

Era of time that inspires your style: Anything French country.

Favourite cocktail or wine: Damasco by Zanatta or Ampersand gin.

Album on current rotation: All the old crooners. Every day, all day.

Favourite flower: White lilies.

Favourite city to visit: New York.

Favourite place in the whole world: England, my birthplace, but I love anywhere where I can kick back in the sunshine with a G&T.

Reading Material

Fave print magazine: Country Cottage and Backyard Retreat.

Coffee table book/photography book: A large book of family photos.

Favourite book of all time: Memories of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon.

Story courtesy of Boulevard Magazine, a Black Press Media publication
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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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