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What’s happening with Anna Zeitner

Find out what’s taking place this weekend in the Okanagan-Shuswap.

Get ready for the weekend.

Social Media Squad member Anna Zeitner lets you know what is happening in the Okanagan-Shuswap.

From Centre of Gravity in Kelowna, to a Pride picnic in Salmon Arm, to the Enderby Arts Festival, to a Cider Festival at Big White, it’s a great time to be in the B.C. Interior with so many events taking place.

Check it out.

Jen Zielinski

About the Author: Jen Zielinski

I graduated from the broadcast journalism program at BCIT. I also hold a bachelor of arts degree in political science and sociology from Thompson Rivers University. I was also a reporter for Castanet and CBC. I am a volunteer with Okanagan Humane Society.
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