Since the members of the Lake Country Big Band started playing together 10 years ago they've provided the community with countless hours of entertainment and at the same time given back to the community by donating proceeds from their shows to various Lake Country charities.
Last year the band decided to expand its charitable work overseas after establishing communication with a Ugandan man named Abby. Abby helps street children in the Ugandan capital of Kampala by providing them with a home and teaching them to play music. His young students are able to use their skill to earn a living.
At a fundraiser last year the Lake Country Big Band collected enough money to purchase a cow for Abby and his students. The cow provided them with milk and an income (the spare milk was sold).
Now Abby has rallied his community together to build a school for his students and the Big Band has agreed to help stock it with educational supplies. A fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the Creekside Theatre for the school's benefit. Showtime is at 7:30 p.m.