Young women across the Okanagan who are looking to learn about entrepreneurship and mindfulness are invited to sign up for a unique program that builds on the steps to starting a small business.
Created by the non-profit Her International, SheCreates is a workshop for those aged 17 to 25 who identify as female, low-income or with other barriers to accessing programs. The program is free, although it’s $25 to register which is returned based on good attendance.
Her International is a charity that provides educational opportunities for those that are marginalized as women or in the feminine expression and develops programs to suit their unique needs. The charity understands that young women may experience barriers to becoming small business owners as well as to accessing the confidence and leadership that are required to do so, and therefore Her International looks to create change around that.
This program will:
•Increase your range of entrepreneurial skills (you’ll even have the chance to practice starting a business)
•Teach you mindfulness and nervous system regulation practices
•Give you access to a supportive community of other young women in a safe environment
Former Her International executive director Tamara McLellan will be the facilitator for SheCreates, as she is also an entrepreneur.
“The most liberating part of my life has been starting my own business. That’s when freedom - in many ways - started to become accessible. The trouble is, this has been the longest, hardest road. Being an entrepreneur is like walking a tightrope every single day. If there are any barriers, which for many women there are, you can easily fall. We need to come together and help the next generation of female business owners to break barriers and rise - together.”
There are four monthly workshops with a weekly or bi-weekly zoom check-in, starting Jan. 21 at 10 a.m.
Other dates are Feb. 18, and March 18 and graduation on March 18, all starting at 10 a.m.
The workshops are six hours long and take place at the French Cultural Centre at 702 Bernard Avenue in Kelowna.