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Change of address

Lake Country residents are being assured their identity will continue despite an address change.

Lake Country residents are being assured their identity will continue despite an address change.

Council is asking Canada Post to list Lake Country as the preferred mailing address for the municipality instead of Oyama, Winfield or Okanagan Centre.

“This just puts Lake Country as the primary address in Canada Post’s data base,” said Mayor James Baker.

“It makes it easier for people who want to reach Lake Country.”

Oyama, Winfield and Okanagan Centre will be considered secondary addresses for mail.

“Residents can still use the old names,” said Coun. Noreen Guenther.

Municipal staff recommended the change because of attempts to make investors, potential new residents and tourists  aware of Lake Country.

“The ability to market the new brand for Lake Country is hindered by the use of the neighbourhood names,” said Reyna Seabrook, communications officer, in a report.

“This may prove very difficult to the success of a marketing strategy.”

Guenther says there are economic benefits to using  Lake Country as the overall address.

“People won’t invest in the community if they don’t know where we are,” she said.

Guenther also denies the change in the primary address will undermine the identity of the original communities that joined together to form the municipality in 1995.

“This council has been clear about honouring the history of our wards,” she said.

Baker also isn’t concerned the names Oyama, Winfield, Okanagan Centre and Carr’s Landing will be abandoned.

“The name is maintained in the name of the ward and people can still use it as an address. The post office still recognizes the address,” he said.

Canada Post has asked the district to launch a communications process to let residents know that the change in the preferred mailing address was a decision of council and not the Crown corporation.

“Lake Country is the addressing authority in this area and Canada Post takes their direction from the municipality in regards to the name of the municipality,” said Seabrook in her report.

“Once Canada Post has officially changed the preferred mailing address to Lake Country, we can identify other service providers that use the ward names, such as Google Maps, and request they amend the address to Lake Country.”


-Vernon Morning Star