An extension of Sutherland Avenue and an urban park is in the works for the Landmark District.
The city has picked up a nearly two-acre parcel at 1910-1960 Dayton Street.
“This acquisition is a great opportunity for the city to advance public amenities to support a densifying neighbourhood and ensure it will become a vibrant and livable hub for residents and workers,” said Derek Edstrom, divisional director of partnerships and investments.
It will improve connectivity, mobility, and livability while protecting and restoring a valuable greenspace, Edstrom added.
The $12.3 million purchase of the property was funded from development cost charges.
The city will work with current tenants to maintain leases and rent agreements until construction begins.
The long-term extension of Sutherland Ave. (Gordon Drive to Spall Road) will provide protected cycling lanes, transit access, and wide sidewalks.