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Volunteer: Here’s how to have fun and raise funds for Camp Winfield

The Okanagan Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is a fun, fitness and fundraising event taking place at the Kelowna Apple Bowl, June 9 to 10.

Composter can cut your garbage in half

The Regional Waste Reduction office is offering subsidized Earth Machine backyard composters.
Lake Country museum curator wins Arts Educator award

Lake Country museum curator wins Arts Educator award

Lake Country Museum curator Dan Bruce was awarded the prestigious Arts Educator Award at the 2012 Okanagan Arts Awards.

Lake Country Food Bank AGM

Lake Country Food Bank AGM is Saturday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m.

Boys and Girls Club opens its doors

The Lake Country Boys and Girls Club is hosting an Identity Fair on Feb. 29 in support for Pink Shirt Day.
Kangaroos completely at home in Winfield

Kangaroos completely at home in Winfield

In the Okanagan, as spring approaches, it’s basically business as usual for Mother Nature with, perhaps, one exception.

For your pets’ sake, get ‘em snipped

The BC SPCA is urging pet lovers to do their part and have your pets spayed or neutered.

Swinging with the Stars tickets sell out in just 37 minutes

Central Okanagan Hospice Association has sold out its fourth annual Swinging with the Stars fund raising event.

UBCO engineering students get sliding with concrete

For anyone thinking of building a homemade toboggan, odds are concrete is not top of the list of supplies.

Snowarama to help the kids at Camp Winfield

Snowmobilers will raise money for the B.C. Lions Society of Children with Disabilities, and Camp Winfield, Feb. 9 at the Graystokes.