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Leave the babies alone

Leave the babies alone

The public is being reminded to not touch baby owls and raptors they find in the wild
Vernon woman wins dream trip to China

Vernon woman wins dream trip to China

Cindy Keith has won an all-expenses paid trip to China where she will document her 11-day trip to share it with you.
Cycling society makes tracks on trails

Cycling society makes tracks on trails

North Okanagan Cycling Society has big plans for 2017
Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung

Residents explain how they survived the extended winter now that spring is finally here
Catch a ride to the Rockets playoffs

Catch a ride to the Rockets playoffs

Rockets fans are getting together to rent a bus and cheer on the home team in Kamloops next week
Gandalf the goat in need of home

Gandalf the goat in need of home

Gandalf was found wandering on someone’s property before the BC SPCA was called
$1.45 million to be invested in our communities this year

$1.45 million to be invested in our communities this year

The United Way CSO celebrated its 2016 campaign last week, recognizing more than 100 community partners that made it all possible.
Community Calendar

Community Calendar

Follow the link to our Community Calendar and add your event
Dealing with dementia

Dealing with dementia

Upcoming Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s fundraiser across Okanagan helps those afflicted with disease and their families.
Students perform for school board

Students perform for school board

Actors from Anything Goes gave the school board a taste of their performances