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Stay Curious: Don’t let identity limit possibilities

Columnist Carrie O’Neill looks at how we identify and the implications that may follow

When we identify with who and what we truly are, we are able to live out the highest expression of ourselves.

Who are you?

Has anyone ever asked you that question?

Along our life journey, when asked that question, the answers may have varied. Maybe it was I don’t know, or I’m a mother, father, sister or brother.

Maybe you identified as a person with a disability or an alcoholic or addict, or perhaps you identified as the role you play in your career.

When you think about it, as long as we attach, identify, or label ourselves as one thing or another, it has the tendency to limit the amazing possibilities in our lives.

For many years, my belief system steered my life and limited the beautiful opportunities that were available all around me.

It was not until I awakened to the truth of that which I truly am and let go of the false beliefs that I harboured, that my heart began to fill with love for myself and others.

The gifts within began to stir and come alive! Creativity began to flow, doors began to open, connections were made and my life is flourishing!

A famous philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, once said: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Understanding that because we are connected to the source of all that is, ALL that is, IS POSSIBLE!

So, who are you? What do you want? Your highest expression of yourself lies within – believe it, and watch what can happen!

Carrie O’Neill is a spiritual being having a human experience. She is a woman who desires to empower, encourage and support individuals to live their best lives.