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Keremeos Grist Mill announces plans for 40th season and memorial book

The Grist Mill is celebrating 40 years as a heritage site in 2025
Restoration work on the Keremeos Grist Mill from its early years as a heritage site.

In a livestream on Jan. 16, the Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens laid out the plans for the upcoming 40th anniversary year as a heritage site. 

General manager Chris Mathieson shared a brief look back on the history of the site, from its construction almost 150 years ago to its purchase and reopening by the province as a heritage site in 1985. 

"Heritage sites are always in this challenging position because on one hand, our job is to protect and preserve, and when our job is to protect and preserve, a big part of that is taking care of these things and working really hard to try and make sure that they are that they stay the same that they are," said Mathieson. 

In keeping with the goal of preserving the site, as well as what people love about the Grist Mill, many popular events are set to return in 2025, including the Teddy Bear Picnic, Mother's Day Tea, night markets, live concert series with the return of Grammy-winner John Reischman and the second Easter Egg Hunt in April. 

"We want to invest even more heavily in our events this year. We want this to be a place that you want to come multiple times through the year," said Mathieson. "We want to make sure that if you get a season's pass, you have lots and lots of opportunities to use it."

The live concert series is also seeing a slight revamp, but one that should be welcomed. Ahead of the main performers each night, a local artist or band will perform to open the show and highlight the region's talent. 

While the site is still closed until the spring, the website is still active, with a variety of workshops on crafting and cooking being posted. The staff are also hosting livestreams on topics such as how to plant and take care of a garden. 

On top of returning favourites, there are going to be a number of special events throughout 2025 to mark the 40th year as a heritage site. 

One of the big events that will be coming to celebrate the anniversary is the opening of a time capsule that was buried decades ago. 

After it is opened and documented, the plan is add in new items and re-bury it to preserve for future generations. 

A special anniversary exhibition is in preparation that will cover the development and changes to the site since it reopened, as well as the people who made it possible with the support of the community. 

There are also a formal gala event and a heritage skills festival weekend planned for the season. 

The Grist Mill is also working with author and former site curator Cuyler Page to create a memorial book on the site, not just focusing on its time as a heritage site but its entire 150-year history in the region. 

"To do this book though, we need help. This isn't exactly something you can just apply for a grant for," said Mathieson. "This is the legacy that we want to leave at the end of our 40th season. It is just that important to us."

You can find more information about the memorial book campaign and how to can participate and contribute at

Brennan Phillips

About the Author: Brennan Phillips

Brennan was raised in the Okanagan and is thankful every day that he gets to live and work in one of the most beautiful places in Canada.
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