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Gleaners share the love across continents

The Gleaners are in the middle of their annual campaign to make sure children in need keep warm

As the weather begins to cool down, the Gleaners begin their annual campaign to collect warm clothing for children in eastern Europe.

While the non-profit organization is known for its dried soup mixes that are shipped around the world, the group also runs an annual campaign to collect new socks, mittens, toques and undergarments for children of all ages.

“These are shipped with the food or separately to countries in eastern Europe,” said Howie Anhorn, with the Gleaners. “Many people enjoy knitting these items or you can purchase them new. New stuffed toys are also accepted.”

There are collection barrels in most churches, the Schubert Center, the Gleaners furniture store and plant and Dollarama stores.

“Gleaners would like to thank Lou Abram and her faithful group of knitters and sewers from Grace Bible Church who work all year long to supply Gleaners,” said Anhorn. “So far this year they have produced 1,500 pieces and have a goal of 2,000 pieces.”

Also, this group would appreciate any surplus wool and fleece you might have. Call Lou at 250-545-1294 if you can help.

“Last year 14,000 pieces were collected in the Okanagan Valley, and your donations are greatly appreciated.”

The last day of collection is Nov. 26.

For more information, please call Anhorn at 250-549-1632.