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COLUMN: Benning stands firm on Gudbranson, will keep him with Canucks until 2021

COLUMN: Benning stands firm on Gudbranson, will keep him with Canucks until 2021

Canucks opt to not trade the 26-year-old defenseman, but sign him to multi-year deal
B.C. VIEWS: Subsidy supercluster settles in B.C.

B.C. VIEWS: Subsidy supercluster settles in B.C.

Ottawa, Victoria add to their overlapping ‘innovation’ budgets
Eye on the Games

Eye on the Games

AT RANDOM: Vernon represents at 2018 Winter Olympics in Korea
Opinion: Seriously Kim? We have the right to bare arms

Opinion: Seriously Kim? We have the right to bare arms

A Princeton reporter reacts after a former Canadian prime minister says women should cover up on TV
B.C. VIEWS: Fixing the real problem at ICBC

B.C. VIEWS: Fixing the real problem at ICBC

Car insurance ‘dumpster fire’ mainly lawyer fees, neglected serious injuries
Suzuki: Save the planet; eat an insect

Suzuki: Save the planet; eat an insect

Environmentalist David Suzuki’s weekly column talks about food production in the future
Fuhr: Of pipelines and politics

Fuhr: Of pipelines and politics

Kelowna-Lake Country MP Stephen Fuhr jumps into the debate on the B.C. Alberta wine battle
Municipalities racing the pot legalization clock

Municipalities racing the pot legalization clock

With time running out, B.C. cities still are not sure what the retail landscape will look like once recreational pot is legalized.
Column: Is your mortgage renewing this year?

Column: Is your mortgage renewing this year?

Kelowna columnists say mortgage renewal time provides an opportunity for homeowners
A personal story on coping with grief

A personal story on coping with grief

Stop asking what you can do to help - and start doing it