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Lake Country wants to be more development friendly

Committee formed to improve communications between district and developers
Lake Country Mayor James Baker believes the development approval process needs to be streamlined.

Increasing growth through development has become a priority in Lake Country.

The district is currently trying to improve the development approvals process.

"While no one wants to be over regulated, our goal is to create a development process that effectively balances community safety, environmental protection and community building, with an efficient and fair approvals process that promotes investment in our community," said Mayor James Baker.

He added that among the concerns that will be addressed approval timelines and process efficiency.

A new liaison group has been created for direct communication between developers and the municipality.

“We’re excited to be working with council on improving the development permit process, allowing for some fast tracking and greater permit exemptions," said Mark Koch, director of planning and development.

"The improvement strategy has interestingly highlighted that most of the building and planning applications are processed within target timelines, but we need to now focus on the files that drag out, thereby frustrating applicants."

While Baker acknowledges that such improvement is an ongoing objective and it may not be possible to please all groups, Lake Country is proud to be steps to welcome new investment and improve services.

“Beyond that, we are also working hard to ensure that new development helps the community keep up with our pressing infrastructure needs,” he said.